“Now the green blade rises…”

6653530385_dc8e5bc479_zI’m still here. Sometimes, when it’s been weeks between posts, the longer it goes, the harder it is to start again. I think this has been the longest void. I decided this morning just to write – let my fingers go on the keyboard and share something of my life as I would if a friend came for tea. Much has happened and I think the sharing of my life is almost as important as the sharing of my faith.

I got a job. I got an incredible job. I got a job that is ministry. I started two months ago and most of my energy, creativity and time have been poured into this new work. I have been writing like crazy but in a different context – as Communications Director for the Episcopal Diocese of Western MA. This ministry feels like a perfect fit. I am so happy to be using my gifts in service to the mission of the Church again!

I think I’ve had trouble writing, too, because there has been some liturgical disconnect in my life. Lent came and it felt like Easter because of this new ministry. My Lent had been the previous six months of soul-crushing job search. Being out of work, looking every day, cranking out resumes and waiting for something – anything; it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Now, in the car on the way to work, when the guy on NPR talks about the jobless figures for the month, I get it. I pray for all those people who just want a good day’s work and a just wage. I pray for those people who just want to provide for their families and who are on the verge of losing hope. Work is holy – a clear participation in God’s creative energies in the world. Work is also a vital component in a healthy, balanced life. Our dignity comes from being image and likeness of God – not from what we do in the world. [This one I learned the hard way!] But, doing – working – is part of who God is – this God who is for us from the beginning.

Well, I guess this enough to start the conversation again. I don’t know if you’re all still out there. I did get a note from a friend who encouraged me to keep writing and that helped me to get started. Now that I’ve settled in to meaningful, challenging, soul-stretching work, I’m ready to “talk” again. May the God of the risen Christ bless your life with every good, with Easter joy and peace!

Love to you all,


Published by

Vicki Ix

I write because writing connects me to the creativity of God.

6 thoughts on ““Now the green blade rises…””

  1. Welcome back and congratulations on your new ministry. Are you available for some weekend ministry on the Cape in the future?

What are your thoughts on this?